
#Id . Name Description Effect
1 Factory This factory produces steel and goods and increases colony production by up to 100 units. 1
4 Orbital Shipyard With an orbital shipyard, bigger ships than scouts can be built. 6
5 Bank A bank increases colony trade. 5
6 Barracks Barrack is the basic military unit for a colony. 6
7 Strategy School The shool of strategy produces ground troops and improves space fight strategies. 6
8 Library The library increases the research production of a colony by 5%. 2
9 School The school increases the research production of a colony by 10%. 2
10 University The university increases the research production of a colony by 20%. The university technology must be researched first. 2
11 Church A church improves the happyness of colony population by 20%. 3
12 Planetary Shield A planetary shield protects colonists and buildings from attacks with beam weapons. Bombs and rockets are destroyed with a 20% probability. 6
2 Ore Mine The 'Ore mine' produces up to 20 tons of ore per turn. 4
3 Ore Mine II The 'Ore mine II' produces up to 40 tons of ore per turn. 4
13 Ore Mine III The 'Ore mine III' produces up to 100 tons of ore per turn.. 4
14 Ore Mine IV The 'Ore mine IV' produces up to 200 tons of ore per turn. 4
15 Colonist Bureau The colonist bureau reduces the impact of the feared 'colonist disease', which is an extreme kind of homesickness. 3
16 Colonist Disease Treatment The treatment for colonists disease eliminates the feared 'colonist disease'. 3
17 Psycho Institute The psycho-institute increases happiness of all colonists by a factor of 25%. 3
18 Translation Office The translation office enables communication with aliens. 5
19 Tools Factory The tools factory produces tools and increases productivity of a colony by 5% 1
49 Chemical Factory The chemical factory produces chemical resources productivity of a colony by 10% 1
20 Machine Factory The machine factory produces machines and increases productivity of a colony by 10% 1
21 Electronics Factory The electronics factory produces electronics and machines and increases productivity of a colony by 20% 1
22 Robot Factory The robot factory produces electronics and machines and increases productivity of a colony by 50% 1
24 Cloning Factory A cloning factory increases population growth by about 1000 births per year. 7
25 Genetics Centre A centre for genetics prolonges the live cycle by a factor of up to 20% 7
26 Terraform I Terraform I improves the habitability of a planet by a factor of 10% 8
27 Terraform II Terraform II improves the habitability of a planet by a factor of 20% 8
28 Terraform III Terraform III improves the habitability of a planet by a factor of 30% 8
29 Terraform IV Terraform IV improves the habitability of a planet by a factor of 40% 8
23 Planetary Scanner I The planetary scanner I has a range of about 3 LJ 9
30 Planetary Scanner II The planetary scanner II has a range of about 5 LJ 9
31 Planetary Scanner III The planetary scanner III has a range of about 8 LJ 9
32 Planetary Scanner IV The planetary scanner IV has a range of about 12 LJ 9
33 Planetary Scanner V The planetary scanner V has a range of about 16 LJ 9
34 Planetary Scanner VI The planetary scanner VI has a range of about 25 LJ 9
35 Planetary Ultra Scanner The planetary ultra scanner has a range of about 50 LJ 9
36 Trade Union House The trade union allows for more efficient trading and better tax income. 5
37 Traders Association Guildhouse The Traders Association increases trade revenue immensely. 5
38 Defense Battery The defense battery I fires two rockets with a range of 3 per turn. 6
39 Bomb Shelter The bomb shelter protects part of the population from orbital bombing. One shelter per 10000 colonists is needed. It does not protect buildings. 6
41 Habitat One habitat unit provides shelter for up to 100000 colonists. 11
42 Habitat II (Airless) One habitat unit provides shelter for up to 100000 colonists on planets without atmosphere. 11
43 Habitat III (Radiated) One habitat unit provides shelter for up to 100000 colonists on radiated planets. 11
44 Habitat IV (Hostile) One habitat unit provides shelter for up to 100000 colonists on hostile planets (marslike, venuslike). 11
45 Outpost Habitat An outpost habitat unit provides shelter for up to 10000 colonists. 11
40 Power Plant The coal power plant produces 100 kW and uses coal. 10
46 Solar Power Plant The solar powerplant produces 100 kW. 10
48 Water Recycler The water recycling unit cleans up used water. 4
47 Hydroponics Farm The hydroponics farm produces food. 12
50 Farm The Farm unit produces food. 12
51 Coal Mine The 'Coal mine' produces up to 20 tons of coal and some chemicals per turn. 4
52 Colony Manager The colony manager manages the basic colony requirements like buildings, food and power supply. 0
53 Saw Mill The saw mill produces wood, tools and some goods. 4
54 Water Pump The water pump provides drinking water. 4
55 Temple The temple increases population happiness. 3